NASBS President: Erin McKean, MD, MBA, FACS
Program Chairs: Shirley Su, MBBS, and Nickalus R. Khan, MD
WFSBS President: Dr. Fernando Dias, MD
WFSBS Congress President: Dr. Jacques Morcos, MD
WFSBS Congress Program Chair: Dr. Daniel Prevedello, MD, MBA, FACS
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I hope that the 34th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society (NASBS), along with the 9th World Congress of the World Federation of Skull Base Societies, was an unforgettable time for all of us, bringing us together to discuss the Unified Skull Base. For 12 months, I have worked with our Scientific Program CoChairs Dr. Shirley Su and Dr. Nick Khan, along with Dr. Jacques Morcos and Dr. Daniel Prevedello of the World Federation (under the presidency of Dr. Fernando Dias) and the rest of the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) to bring you the hottest science and innovation in interactive and collaborative formats. The SPC recruited faculty from around the world, and I’m excited to share that we have over 800 speakers! We welcome the World Federation leaders and members, and we are looking forward to learning from you.
The scientific program was organized into specialty tracks, allowing easy navigation and tailoring to attendee interests. Anterior (Ventral) Skull Base, Lateral Skull Base, Head and Neck, Sellar/Parasellar and Middle Ground tracks have organized days to showcase cohesive concepts or pathologies. We highlighted a new advanced Neuroradiology Day, Chordoma Education Day, Orbit Education Day (following a Rhoton Room orbital session that evening before), Survivorship Day, and more, along with special collaborative sessions with the North American Society of Academic Orbital Surgeons (ASAOS), the Society for Head and Neck Anesthesia (SHANA) and the European Society for Sinonasal Cancer Research (EUSICA/INSICA).
- Nightly social/networking events at renowned New Orleans Venues
- An additional full day of sessions! Including 50% more lecture sessions and 20% more abstract sessions.
- Exciting Special Sessions such as the Chordoma, Neuroradiology & Orbit Education Days
- A comprehensive Radiosurgery Special Session that highlights the nuances of skull base radiosurgery and radiotherapy
- Women in Skull Base Surgery Session and Networking
The 2025 program is tailored to address the latest advancements and challenges in skull-based surgery. You’ll gain invaluable knowledge and networking opportunities by attending focused tracks.
Anterior Skull Base: Explore innovative approaches to managing complex cases involving the anterior skull base, featuring Sinonasal, Intradural/Intraaxial Tumor, Orbit, and Trauma/Vascular.
Head and Neck: Dive into the intricacies of head and neck surgery, featuring sessions on facial reanimation, nasopharynx cancer, and survivorship and treatment effects for improved long-term care.
Lateral Skull Base Track: Expand your knowledge of the lateral skull base with sessions on Vestibula Schwannoma, Hearing/Vestibular Rehab, and Petrous Apex,
Middle Ground Track: Offers a broad spectrum of topics, making it highly relevant for all in skull base surgery, including a joint session with the Society for HN Anesthesia. Whether you’re focused on CSF Management, pediatric care, rehabilitation, or career building, this track provides the opportunity to enhance your skills and broaden your knowledge.