Constitution and Bylaws Committee | Daniel Prevedello MD (Chair) |
Communications Committee | Sanjeet Rangarajan MD, M.Eng. (Chair) Aashish Bhatt MD (Co-Chair) |
Equity and Inclusion Committee | Kibwei McKinney, MD (Co-Chair) Jennifer Moliterno-Gunel MD (Co-Chair) |
Fellowship Match Committee | Siviero Agazzi MD, MBA (Chair) |
History Committee | Chandranath Sen MD (Chair) |
International Committee | Francesco Doglietto MD, PhD (Chair) |
Membership & Credentials Committee | Vijay Agarwal MD (Co-Chair) Gurston Nyquist MD (Co-Chair ) |
Nominating Committee | Siviero Agazzi MD, MBA (Chair) |
Research Committee | Linda Bi MD, PhD (Co-Chair) Nyall London MD, PhD (Co-Chair) |
Scientific Program Committee | Nickalus Khan MD (Co-Chair) Shirley Y. Su MBBS, FRACS(Co-Chair) |
Surgical Education Committee | Rahul Mehta MD (Co-Chair) Bharat Guthikonda MD (Co-Chair) |
Value Based Healthcare | Varun Kshettry MD (Chair) Corinna Levine MD, MPH (Co-Chair) |